Signing Up for Pain

I have welcomed acupuncture into my life. I DO NOT LIKE IT!!! I have gone to get stabbed 6 weeks with 2 sessions a week. My lovely acupuncturist, Molly, said that I will adjust to the pain; I have not gotten use to the feeling! So you must be wondering why I have subjected myself to this pain. Well, Molly is a high school friend of my friend. Molly has been posting about the number of women that she has worked on that have gotten pregnant. So, I wanted to jump in on the wonderful blessing. Oh, little did I know... It is painful. I'm laying on my back and she is moving from head to toe, poking me along the way. I have no idea where the next needle will go until its in. Once they are in, I the pain simmers down, except in certain places. There were needles in my forehead, fingers, knees and ankles. I was too afraid to move. The worse part is that you are left for 45 minutes or so to "relax". HA! It took me 3 weeks (6 sessions) to actually relax. My co-worker loves ...