Now that you have placed your debt in increasing order, lowered your bills and placed all saved and newly found cash on the lowest debt, you can turn your attention to the envelope system. Learning to save a few bucks a month will prevent a birthday party from throwing you into financial ruin for a month. Since we have followed this method for nearly a year, we now have savings for things that we never thought we would. We can't tell you how much to place in each envelope but, I have listed our amounts that we save per month. Often Forgotten and Yet 'Fun' Spending: Auto Repairs $30.00 Auto licenses and tab renewal/taxes $10.00 Medical Bills $10.00 Vitamins $60.00 Dentist/Doctors $0 Restaurants $20.00 Clothing $20.00 Transportation (gas) $120.00 Drinks (coffee, beers after work and smoothies) $10.00 ...