Half Year Check in

Half of 2018 is over! Did you accomplish anything from your resolution list from January? Are you working towards your annual goals both at home and work? I couldn't believe my eyes as I filled in my month budget. The year is half way over and all I could think about where did the time go! I revisited my resolution list and hoped that I didn't get too far off course. I also had to remind myself some things that I might have forgotten to work on. My lists usually are on my cork board, but I moved it. Out of sight is out of mind! The Self Improvement Drop 30 lbs! I'm happy to report that I have lost 14 lbs so far! It is amazing how quickly the weight fell off. I have not done Whole 30 yet. I actually got in the floor and did some exercises and yoga. I pushed myself to the limit a few times a week and I saw results. I believe I will hit this goal. The Family Explore with the baby Spend time with aging grandparents This summer I will be able to explore...