
Showing posts from July, 2013

Baby Steps in the Sand

I thought I had a lifetime to bring you in this world Completing my selfish tasks before I felt your curls Believing that you're in arms reach As simple as a stroll on the beach Every year I pushed you aside Craving desires I just can't hide Ignoring what might fit me best Searching for my corporate desk But now I hunger for little toes Breath taking eyes and a tiny nose Difficult to create you, I don't understand Longing to see those baby steps in the sand Welcome ladies, Many women around the world have a hard time conceiving a baby. We seek help from family, friends, doctors, nutritionists, and many others. We long for answers and clear cut paths to end infertility. However, we don't always get the answers when we seek them. This road is often long and hard. I entered the troubles of  conceiving when I reached 12 months with no avail. Let's link up so that we may not travel this path alone. For those that had troubles in the pa...

Never Stop Learning

#5 Take a Fun Class: Art Class *This post contains affiliates When Money is tight, and I want to have fun, I turn to  Groupon  and  Living Social . These websites offer huge discounts for products, restaurants, activities and trips for families, children, and adults. For example, we purchased a full car detailing service for $79 and it was originally $169. To have fun, and to fulfill a 30 Before 30 task, I purchased a discounted Art class at Chaos Art Gallery. Mr. Mind's Snow Covered fence and Cabin painting and my Flower Dropped Tree Mr. Mind and I sat in the studio with 8 other eager painters. We had our "painting" clothing on and smiles on our faces. A man walked up to Mr. Mind and said "Awesome, another man. I'm not alone!" Him and his wife were enjoying a long awaited date without children. With a blank white canvas in front of us we learned how to build from the background forward. "Have you ever noticed the background of paintings?...

In a Better Position

#14 Get Promoted or Walk Away In 2008 I began a seasonal position with a national company. Toward the end of the season, I was asked to join the marketing team. A year later, my team was informed that the marketing department will become official and that they will hire a regional marketing manager. I was told by the head regional manager that he wanted to interview me for the position. I never heard back from him despite all my inquires. They hired outside the company. I spent the next three years in my current position, constantly looking for something else. I have torn myself apart because my life has been stagnant. I made a decision to either get promoted or walk away for my 30 Before 30, because I can not carry this burden any further. I put in for my manager's old position, last month June and have waited to see if the company will hire from within. My husband noticed how my demeanor has taken a nose dive because of this company. He even mentioned that my self-esteem ha...

Just a Phone Call Away

Completed #26, Call Distant Relatives Once a Week Do you have family all over the US or the World? How often do you get in touch with them? My parents and in-law live in a different state, but we speak weekly and sometimes daily. There are times when we speak once a week, but that doesn't last long. My grandparents live over a thousand miles away and I often only see them every few months. It is difficult to save a conversation for months at a time and so I must call them. There are more reasons to call your distant relatives other than to say hi. 1. Learn about their new interests. My grandmother is always trying something new. Last time she was trying to redesign her bathroom. Can you say trouble?! 2. See what isn't working anymore. When you are a young adult, you talk about the fun you had. When you are a middle aged adult, you talk about children, career or how tired you are. When you are elderly, you talk about what is broken. "My knee keeps giving in!" ...

Girl Power!

#6. Buy and Use a Power Tool Every woman married or not should either own a power tool or know how to use one. Growing up, if something went wrong in the house, my father would fix it. One snowy winter night our water heater burst while my father was on a business trip. Water quickly filled part of our basement. As children we wanted to play in it, but my mother disagreed as she grabbed some tools and went at it. I'm not sure of her success, because the neighbors came over to help then eventually a Sears repairman.  Fast forward 16+ years and I am a proud owner of a power drill with many sized bits. I also own a hammer, a few screwdrivers, flat heads and a few more tools that I have nicknamed because I have yet to learn their names.  My hand-me-down wooden coffee table's leg broke last month and I was determined to fix it.  I flipped the table over, found the right bit and drilled it in. As I went to flip the table back over, I must have forgotten how hea...

Silent Night

# 24. Go on a date and Let Mr. Mind do ALL the talking When I wrote this one down, I didn't think this will pose a huge challenge for me. After all these years together, I would have thought my husband would come up with topic after topic. Saturday July, 6th Mr. Mind took us to an indoor and outdoor modern art museum. (By the way, he planned this.) It was so wonderful as the weather was warm and sunny. There were extra outdoor exhibits around including bee keeping with the University of Minnesota. As we strolled throughout the park, I waited patiently (or so I thought) for him to bring up a topic of discussion. Nothing! So I spoke up.  "What do you want to talk about?" "Nothing." "You are suppose to bring up the topics." "Look at that over there." Vagueness was the name of the game I see. I couldn't help myself. I asked him about attending another bee keeping event out of interest and he said sure. Then we went indoors to s...

Blood, Sweat and Onions

#18. Plant and Maintain a Garden I planted and maintained my first (at my own home) garden last month and it is surviving.  From left to right and down the rows you can see: Row 1: Onions, String Bean, Snap Peas, Strawberries, Corn Row 2: Basil, Red peper, Garlic Chives, Garlic, Tomato, Sweet Potatoes Row 3: Cilantro, Mint, Mini Pumpkins, Zucchini  Row 4: Green Onions (in pot), Sweet Potatoes, Summer Squash and Carrots (far back) I know its a-lot but I followed a design where the bushy and ground covered veggies are near the edges and I'l guide them outward. The dirt patch to the left will have a watermelon match just like the dirt patch to the right. The dirt patch to the left has carrots growing in the back left corner. They came back from last year and are growing like crazy! I already harvested extra green onions that were growing on the left side. #18 Completed!
