In a Better Position
#14 Get Promoted or Walk Away
In 2008 I began a seasonal position with a national company. Toward the end of the season, I was asked to join the marketing team. A year later, my team was informed that the marketing department will become official and that they will hire a regional marketing manager. I was told by the head regional manager that he wanted to interview me for the position. I never heard back from him despite all my inquires. They hired outside the company.I spent the next three years in my current position, constantly looking for something else. I have torn myself apart because my life has been stagnant. I made a decision to either get promoted or walk away for my 30 Before 30, because I can not carry this burden any further. I put in for my manager's old position, last month June and have waited to see if the company will hire from within.
My husband noticed how my demeanor has taken a nose dive because of this company. He even mentioned that my self-esteem has been lacking because of the path my career has taken in the past four years. I blamed myself for why I couldn't get hired in my last state. I blamed the company for their terrible structure and lack of interest in developing their employees for advancements. I blamed myself for being too scared to leave the company. I hated the work I did because it didn't seem beneficial. Directions were constantly (daily) changing and it made it difficult to finish any kind of project. Results weren't traceable and yet I had to show proof of my work. I had 3 managers, two of which didn't know a thing about marketing and one that did. The two managers controlled my budget and the marketing manager monitored my hours. Everyone in the company received a bonus except our 8 person marketing team. The only benefit, was the pay was good (not great) and I can use the company's service for free.
That is all over now. I have been waiting to get an interview call or a letter of denial and finally received a denial email on July 16th. I wasn't even offered a phone interview. I am stepping out on a limb and not returning to my previous employer. Good luck to whomever will replace me. I HAVE to move on. My mind is now in a better position. My heart is now in a better position. My future, unbeknownst to me, seems a little brighter to let go of the tough, brittle, stagnant job that I once had. I will welcome my 30th year in a different position!
#14 Completed 7/16/13
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