Digital Moving Day

I want to truly thank all those that have followed this blog for the past 3 years. I have written about the journey of infertility and adoption on this blog. I threw in the fun books, money management tips and even gluten free taste tests.

I followed many other blogs that were traveling down the same path. Once they conceived or adopted, their blogs stopped. If the author kept writing, the material quickly changed to baby related posts. Those posts were hard to read while Hubby and I kept struggling month after month. I soon unplugged and went on a search for something else.

Infertility is a life long problem. Hubby and I are not "cured". We are still unable to conceive on our own. We likely will never be able to. Because of that, Hubby and I will continue to share our story and our strength. Male factor infertility is the main cause of our infertility. Hubby has shared his thoughts and feelings many times over the years here on this blog. It was  He is a couples therapist specializing in male factor infertility.

I wanted to be very careful over the past year of not losing the original flare of this blog. I wanted to keep you updated on my life but I did not want to lose the audience that struggles with infertility. So if you often drop by From Maruki to read about infertility, have no fear. I don't have to lose you gracious readers. You can now find infertility related help, love, support and therapy over at Infertility Isn't Inferior. The main focus of Infertility Isn't Inferior (I3) is to help couples that may be stuck in pain or stuck making a decision. With the ease of E-therapy, Hubby can help men around the world. No more hiding in shame.

Here on From Maruki, we will continue to make a mess with gluten free foods, reading books, getting rid of debt and traveling. I, Lauren will be the voice that shares some of our ups and downs and mistakes.

I hope you come and visit both From Maruki and I3 weekly. You can check both of us out on Twitter and Instagram. We would love to hear about what you, your family goals and what your family loves to get into.

Thank you for understanding this change with From Maruki Blog!


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