Money Mondays- Financially Tight Marriage

I have received countless amounts of advice for handling money in my marriage. Some advice was for both of us and other pieces of advice were solely for me. Some has worked and others we haven't even tried yet. The best piece of advice I received was to stick to something and refine it along the way. But money brings so much stress to families. When there is a change such as moving, new baby, new home or even job lost, many don't take the time to reanalyze the household finances. There are many stats that state how quickly a marriage can fall apart due to finances. Your marriage does not have to be doomed to failure because of money. I repeat- NOT doomed. Make sure you are aware of the following situations in your marriage: Spending habits Like many couples, Mr. Mind and I have different spending habits. I have trouble buying expensive items no matter how much we need them. I'm getting better as we figure out how much we need/want something, set a price expectatio...