Life is so Beautiful

Today my husband's family will lay to rest a beautiful soul. At a young age of 32, Mr. Mind's cousin had a heart attack. It was a devastating loss to everyone. While most are still walking around in disbelief, I am trying to be Mr. Mind's strength. I did not push him to speak about his cousin, but let him bring him up when he felt comfortable. I slept so lightly for the first two nights just in case he didn't want to be lonely when he couldn't sleep. Yesterday Mr. Mind thanked me for being the best partner when times got rough. Selfishly, I was happy to hear that because life doesn't prepare you for this. For newly engaged couples, this is an example of "for better or worse"! I pray for understanding and strength for his family. No mother should ever bury their child. It's against nature! There wont be a dry eye tomorrow as we say out last goodbyes...