How Crunchy Can She Get?

After listening to a co-worker about her and her family's health, I began to explain my "Lifestyle Changes One Day at a Time" plan. I told the co-worker, I didn't want to get caught up in the hype of commercialized, fake, unhealthy, media promoted, emptiness that my generation is being offered. I read everything I can get my hands on and I am constantly trying as many things as I can. I explained that traditional practices have gone out the window in placement for convenience. She shook her head the whole time. I'm not sure what she was thinking, perhaps "This is way too much!" or "I'm not doing all that!" But she finally spoke up and said "How did you get started? My husband is not exactly on the band wagon."

I informed her that I took the bull by the horns and didn't ask my husband a thing. Back in 2011, Mr. Mind told me that he was glad that I was trying to change our health by implementing new ideas, and concepts. We began the journey by changing our milk to almond milk around 2009 and we have been making changes every year ever since. Mind you, he didn't add to our list of changes until 2012, but he didn't resist anything (other than gluten) either.

My co-worker asked me to make a guide for her to follow. I told her that I am not a doctor, nor a nutritionist, but will be glad to show her how I got to where I am now and point out where I am trying to go. So the next few weeks I see- "How Crunchy Can She Get"!


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