
Showing posts from March, 2015

1 Stone to Kill Three *Things*

Life has been so crazy for me. In February, I began a second job (I got rid of the retail job in January) and then was offered a third job. I know, 3 jobs, but a lot of money has to be paid in the next month and I needed a way to get it. Well God heard our cried for the need of money because my husband was promoted the first week of Feb also! Here's my crazy schedule: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Tax Accountant 8-1pm 8-1pm 8-1pm 8-1pm 9-4pm Accountant 8-5pm Program Manager 2-7pm 2-6pm 2-3:30pm 4-5:30pm Church 6-8pm 9-12:30pm This will last for about another month. So to think about it, this has been my schedule from Feb-April. May-August will look a little like this: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Tax Accountant ? ? ? Accountant 8-5pm Program Manager 2-3p ? 11-noon 10-11a Church 9-11:30pm The question marks mean that my managers are thinking of adding some...
