1 Stone to Kill Three *Things*

Life has been so crazy for me. In February, I began a second job (I got rid of the retail job in January) and then was offered a third job. I know, 3 jobs, but a lot of money has to be paid in the next month and I needed a way to get it. Well God heard our cried for the need of money because my husband was promoted the first week of Feb also!

Here's my crazy schedule:

Tax Accountant8-1pm8-1pm8-1pm8-1pm9-4pm
Program Manager2-7pm2-6pm2-3:30pm4-5:30pm

This will last for about another month. So to think about it, this has been my schedule from Feb-April. May-August will look a little like this:

Tax Accountant???
Program Manager2-3p?11-noon10-11a

The question marks mean that my managers are thinking of adding some time on the schedule for me. 

I am truely excited for the craziness because for the first time since I returned to America, I am using my degrees. I have been working in the marketing sector for the last 7 years, though it was fun, it really wasn't my calling. My husband will often say that I can't stop thinking of numbers and money. It is true. I don't obsess and rave about needing more money. I more-or-less keep figuring out ways to save money here and there to travel, have fun, prepare for the baby and future.

These three jobs and Hubby's promotion has allowed us to relax and put our mind where it was suppose to be...on God and our future children.


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