5 Tips For A Better Food Budget

Most families' food budget is spent in two categories; Groceries and Restaurants. You MUST place a dollar amount for both. Remember that you are trying to save money all around to place on your debt. It is unrealistic for a family that ate out often to jump on a budgeting plan and automatically switch over to daily cooking. You will fail and blow your budget. Sometimes life is busy and you need to end the day with someone else standing over a hot stove. Here are 5 tips to help make room in your food budget. 1. Review your grocery budget and calculate the number of meals that it CAN create. If you filled up your grocery cart with enough food to make 10 meals and only cooked 4, you have 6 meals at home to make. Adjustments are now in order. You can either buy less food or eat at home more often. Cooking at home is cheaper and your best option for saving money. 2. Count the number of times you eat at a restaurant per week and consider why. This should include all meal times a...