Summer is in full swing and so is the relaxation around the Maruki household. We usually welcome July with a camping trip and this year doesn’t disappoint. This year we will camp out at a county park for 5 days. We visited this park two years ago, and liked it. Maybe it was quite because we were there at the end of August. Nonetheless, we will return and it’s the first time we have camped this long together. Over the years, Hubby has totally fallen in love with camping. It has been a way for us to escape the city, paperwork and requirements. We are car camping at the moment. We will get more into backpack camping in the future. If your family has not tried camping before I highly recommend it. Camping takes on many forms-intermediates and experts have battling opinions on “real” camping advice. To me, if I slept on the ground, ate over a fire and gotten a mosquito bite then I was camping. Camping has been our playground for trying new methods of living and heal...