What We Are Reading- July 2017

Summer is in full swing and so is the relaxation around the Maruki household. We usually welcome July with a camping trip and this year doesn’t disappoint. This year we will camp out at a county park for 5 days. We visited this park two years ago, and liked it. Maybe it was quite because we were there at the end of August. Nonetheless, we will return and it’s the first time we have camped this long together.

Over the years, Hubby has totally fallen in love with camping. It has been a way for us to escape the city, paperwork and requirements. We are car camping at the moment. We will get more into backpack camping in the future. If your family has not tried camping before I highly recommend it. 

Camping takes on many forms-intermediates and experts have battling opinions on “real” camping advice. To me, if I slept on the ground, ate over a fire and gotten a mosquito bite then I was camping.

Camping has been our playground for trying new methods of living and health changes. We switched from cows milk to nut milk and spent a whole camping trip getting use to the change. We switched from conventional deodorant to a natural type and wore it all weekend. Not sure if we smelled horrible or not, but it was a change we wanted to make and trees don’t complain. We plan on detoxing from coffee on this trip. Hubby and I have about 12-16oz of coffee every day. That comes with loads of sugar and creamer and calories. We will also practice our desire for less meat and more fruit and veggies on this trip. 

When we don’t have the time to play around with ideas during the week, something like a camping trip gives us the freedom. We have nothing to do all day but enjoy every minute.

During camping trips we also rip through a book or two. We talk, eat, read and then shower, eat and read. We love to go fishing and swimming but we finish the night off with reading. The following are books that I have yet to finish. My nightstand is quite full and the next 5 days I plan on emptying it.

1.      Rich Dad Poor Dad
2.      Hints on Child Training by H. 

That leads me to July’s book. The rest of the month I plan on diving into Psalms 107 with the women of my church. This online course comes with helpful tips to apply to life. 

Hubby’s book for July is being replaced with his inspiration of developing therapy ideas for couples. He is almost done and I will share!

So the lazy days of summer do not apply to me this year as I am working every day. Once baby has arrived, I will be home with my hubby wasting the hazy days of summer away in a book and a tall glass of lemonade.


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