July- What are We Reading

Welcome to Summer! The lazy days of summer began this week. School is officially out! Students, teachers and staff are home and sleeping in. We have all our large summer plans laid out on the calendar. We will be taking a trip to the desert and the beach! We are so excited to see and learn something new. We camp every summer. We are still making plans for a camp trip. It seems daunting to camp with a baby especially since our little guy is trying to walk and is still in the oral stage. We make small summer plans each summer. They are activities that mark summer and allow us to be outdoors during our short summertime. This year includes making ice cream, having picnics and reading books by the lake. Once again we are making sure that Baby E enjoys some picture books as well as his evening story book. Baby E He loves sound effects right now. We are reading books that have a focus on sound effects from trucks, trains and animals. We are also using the following book, F...