A Shoe box for Christmas

As September comes to a close, I think about the holidays that are approaching. I still have summer veggies to can and apples to pick, but the weather is pushing everything along quickly. In an effort to continue to give to others, this holiday season I will being giveing shoe boxes for Christmas. Wouldn't you want a shoe box? Operation Christmas Child will make sure that children around the world will receive just that. Operations Christmas Child is apart of Samaritan's Purse. With the help of fortunate people, they are able to send shoe boxes STUFFED with goodies to children in over 100 countries!

Our family has committed to fill a minimum of 3 shoe boxes plus cover the $7 shipping donation for each box. I want to challenge everyone to reach out and do the same! If your family, friends, homeschool group, Church/Sunday school group, knitting group etc. would like to fill some of the boxes and cover the shipping costs, please post your commitment below. Drop-off locations near you can be found on their site as well as how to pack a shoebox. 

Pick the age group, gender and then follow your box to the hands of the child! Now, that's a Merry Christmas!! Now go and share the good news!


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