Money Mondays- Personal Rewards

picture belongs to Mitchell's ice cream in Cleveland

Does your income pay for bills, house needs and children needs, but not your needs? I have to be able to do things for myself in order to be productive. I take time to eat lunch even when my manager is emailing like crazy and my phone is ringing off the hook. I have sat in my car, during the dead of winter just to rebuild some sanity to tackle the rest of the day. But when it comes to personal rewards, what do you give yourself?

Personal rewards can be anything, a trip to the craft store alone, 1 hour a week to go to the library or even a new pair of shoes. Whatever your personal reward is, you must be able to treat yourself without guilt. I save a small dollar amount each month so that I can buy scrapbook materials during the summer and canning jars for crazy concoctions. Sometimes I reward myself with a large scoop of my favorite ice cream on a waffle cone! Oh yeah, I reward myself!

How often you reward yourself is up to you, but people prepare for this small life desire. Do not short change the electric bill in order to have a manicure. Tell me what your personal reward is!  


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