Mission Accomplished

#10 Do a Mission Trip/Activity

I wanted to make a difference in my community, but I was cautious about what to do and the message that I will be passing along. I have been approaching volunteering as as something I did to make a difference for that day. As a life long Girl Scout, I have made a difference in my community through food banks, hospitals, day cares, nursing homes, and more throughout my schooling years. But now as an adult, I want to make sure that I do not become distant in passing along help, and assistance to the world around me.

Someone suggested that I do missionary work. I have heard about missionaries and even encountered a few while living overseas. However, I always thought that their only job was to teach maybe force people to believe in God. I didn't approve of that focus, so I waved off that suggestion. Then I learned of a new friend's adventure to China. When I asked him more about it, he called it a mission activity. He is going to share music with a local community in China starting this month. He is sharing his passion and skills with those around him- that is his mission.

So I set out to find my mission where I can keep God in my heart and my focus on the community. The Salvation Army connected with Target corporation to provide children in need with school supplies. The Salvation Army, a Christian organization, stays connected to their community in various forms including providing jobs. That is it! My passion lies in school, and in learning. I believe that every child should be provided with the ability to learn. I believe and have been blessed to experience that learning extends beyond books, the classroom and the typical 3R's. I knew that volunteering with the Salvation Army will provide me an opportunity to help via my passion.

I had the pleasure to help 2 brothers prepare for high school. They were provided notebooks, USBs, graphing paper, and more. They were even able to get workout shorts to go under their football pads. Joy filled their hearts and mine. I informed one boy that he needed to grab 2 more binders per his teacher's request. He stated that he had one binder in the cart already. I told him that he needs two more. He asked "I can have 3 binders?" The sheer look of surprise on his face, made me realized that this is true missionary work. Many of the children were filled with Joy. School supplies is minor compared to health needs or safety, but helping others rather for God or not is about bringing Joy to someone. It's a bonus if it's your passion!

Mission Accomplished 8/13/13


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