Money Mondays-Largely Owned and Natural

Have you gone natural with your cosmetic products? Be informed! Those products were once made by hand 30 years ago, but are now pumped out a large factory by the very companies that you ran away from. Check out this article Burts Bees & Toms of Maine Green Products.

Why does this matter? Well, do you care about which businesses gets your money and how those products are made? As a small business owner, I believe that the small/medium guy deserves my money. Yes, I still buy products from billion dollar corporations, but for those that I switched from, I want to make sure it goes to small/medium businesses. Many small businesses made the decision to sell their business to large corporations, and I understand. However, the love of their product is lost and often the uniqueness to be natural and organic skims the lowest requirements. Is that important to you?

This is just to inform you, not to change you. Then again, being informed causes change.

Until Next Time,
From Maruki


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