Pay It Forward

If you are unfamiliar with the concept please check out the movie:

The concept has grown and people world wide are trying to make a difference in other's lives.

My Small Pay-it-Forwards:

Held a Shoe Stuffing Party for Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child (11/2012)
    Second Shoe Stuffing Party is 11/9/2013
Packed Food at Feed My Starving Children (12/2012)

I wanted something that would make a difference. I didn't want to count the number of times I've let people go before me in line. I don't mind completing the most common act of paying for the food of someone behind me in the drive through. But then I thought, 'perhaps that might have made someone else's day'. I want to do more than make someone's day. I want to make a impact, life changing, emotional, heart uplifting impact.

My Large Pay-it-Forward:

Then I thought about the community garden that my church has been putting together. We are preparing a plot of land for people to grown whatever their heart's desire as well as provide fresh produce for the local food bank. This garden will educate those that never grew veggies before or hasn't grown their own food since arriving in America. Now that's paying it forward. This concept began this summer, I jumped on the wagon in August 2013 and it will start making a difference next spring, 2014.

#11 Completed 8/31/2013  Pay It Forward


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