Music to My Ears
#23- Go to a Concert and Scream like I'm 13
Mr. Mind is such a wonderful husband. He is always keeping the smallest details in the back of his mind. His company was giving away tickets to trumpest Mr. Chris Botti at the newly remodel Opera House. He took full advantage of it and we headed out for a night on the town.Mr. Botti began the night with one song before encouraing all the school aged children that play instruments to come and sit down in the front roll. He asked each one to name their instruments that they play and encouraged them to keep playing. I began planning the saxophone in 6th grade so I know how important it is to congratulate and encourage young people to continue on that path. Instrument planning never leaves you.

I got an up close view from my 5th row seat when he and an accompanist sang and played together in the aisle. The crowd clapped and cheered, with such enthusiasm that it shocked the singer. She stated that most audiences in the opera houses just merely clapped, but we cheered and gave standing ovations. Some of us screamed is teenagers, sophisticated teens.
Art is decreasing in value everyday by the large number of 'one hit wonders' and 'outrageous and nearly illegal songs' of pop, rock and hiphop. Why wouldn't we cheer for pure God given talent? Why wouldn't we celebrate music that's made by instruments verses machines.
The night ended with a few renditions of Michael Jackson's songs. In my opinion, they were done so well and payed great homage to him. It was such a wonderful date night!
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