Summer Bliss
It felt really great to get spring weather on time this year. Last year in May, we got a foot of snow, on May 15th, yes you read that right. It was a long winter. Now don't get me wrong, this past winter was brutal. We had over 40 consecutive days of negative weather. My truck got stuck twice, it slid across the road, and hubby's car got stuck a couple of times in the mile high snow mounds. However, it is important to always keep in mind that the snow doesn't last for ever...I believe.
It is now summer here in Minnesota and we are enjoying warm and sometimes hot days. For my southern family members, hot is referencing to 85 degrees and higher. Nonetheless, summer has proven that it's here to stay, at least for the next 2.5 months.
June began with a burst of fun and Mr. Mind and I headed off to Baltimore for my cousin's wedding. This nautical themed event took place across the harbor and was so beautiful. My aunt and party planning cousin made sure my younger cousin's event was one to remember. And lets not forget the large amount of crab cakes I ate in one weekend!
After the wonderful wedding, hubby and I headed over to New York City. Mr. Mind has always wanted to see New York and I thought it's about time we fulfill one of his bucket list items. Staying in Manhattan gave us the best view of city life in the Big Apple. Coming from Chicago, we were not overwhelm with the sheer number of people or the tightness of the buildings. We just laughed because life in Minnesota seemed so stagnant and boring compared to NYC. I see a move is our future...
Have you ever eaten pastrami on rye? I have eaten it plenty of times, but nothing beats the soft tenderness of Katz Delicatessen! We love pizza in this house, (hubby is from Chicago) so we had to check out the thin, fold-able NYC style. Loved it! We chowed down on chicken and waffles, and gluten free desserts at a few of the many specialty shops.
Yes we did more than just eat. We walked around Chinatown, saw the 9/11 memorial, and hung out in Times Square both day and night. We saw the Empire State building and got a private explanation of the ends and outs of Madison Square Gardens. We also got to complete a 30 While 30. I'll post that next.
All in all, this summer is starting off wonderfully. There are 100 days of summer and this year, I refuse to let them just pass me by.
It is now summer here in Minnesota and we are enjoying warm and sometimes hot days. For my southern family members, hot is referencing to 85 degrees and higher. Nonetheless, summer has proven that it's here to stay, at least for the next 2.5 months.
June began with a burst of fun and Mr. Mind and I headed off to Baltimore for my cousin's wedding. This nautical themed event took place across the harbor and was so beautiful. My aunt and party planning cousin made sure my younger cousin's event was one to remember. And lets not forget the large amount of crab cakes I ate in one weekend!

Have you ever eaten pastrami on rye? I have eaten it plenty of times, but nothing beats the soft tenderness of Katz Delicatessen! We love pizza in this house, (hubby is from Chicago) so we had to check out the thin, fold-able NYC style. Loved it! We chowed down on chicken and waffles, and gluten free desserts at a few of the many specialty shops.
All in all, this summer is starting off wonderfully. There are 100 days of summer and this year, I refuse to let them just pass me by.

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