New Year Blogging

We are changing some thing around the Maruki household. We want to share our world with you. We have been pretty private and only wrote about a few topics that effected us. Selfish right? How can we blog and yet not be transparent? That's what blogging is all about I believe. Well, we will share a little bit more about us over the next month.

We have some exciting news for 2016. We will be Vlogging our Journey during 2016!!! Yes, you will get to see so much more of us! So many people are interested in what we think and feel about infertility, being gluten free, dissing debt and traveling on a budget. Sometimes people are afraid to ask us questions and will make up things based on their view of us. WTH! Ha! I rather for them to hear it from us than to make things up. So look for videos from us!

Here is a little about us: (Lauren and Brandon)


1. Are you a very open or private person? I'm Open /  In general, I'm private
2. What is your favourite Christmas movie? Elf / Anything animated
3. When did you stop believing in Santa? I think around 10
4. What do you get complimented on the most? My Smile / My work ethic
5. How are you feeling right now? Sleepy / Content
6. If money was no object, where would you move to?  Hello, Australia and Japan / Rome, for me
7. Who was the last person to make you cry? My hubby / My wife
8. Did you make any resolutions for this year? What were they? Yes. That a post for tomorrow.
9. Is there a song which can bring you to tears instantly? Not that I know / No
10. Who was the last person you talked about sex with? The doctors and Hubby / My Wife
11. How did you bring in the New Year? We popped a bottle of Red Moscato and watched TV
12. Have you ever online dated? No 

Name Your Favorite…

  1. Place: Sapporo, Japan / 35th Street Beach, Chicago
  2. Person: My Granddad / My Love
  3. Color: Lime Green / Blue
  4. Food: Ice Cream / Pizza 
  5. Smell: Grilled Food / Cake Baking
Now that you have gotten to know us a little better, Stay tuned because this year will be mighty interesting.


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