How to Beat the Summer Desk Blues

If you work at a desk, deep inside an office building then this time of the year can be difficult. You might grow to hate your desk in the summer. Here are a few tips on how to handle the blues.

Take back your lunch hour or half hour. Stand in the hot sun and eat your lunch. Let the sun beat down on your face and give you the much needed reminder that it is summer time. Do food trucks pull up near your office? Flag one down and eat outside without guilt. Set your voicemail. If you have the freedom, work outside your office.

Late to bed, Early to Rise, right? Old folks are done with dinner by time many working adults leave the office. If you have to put in 8 hours regardless what time you start, then start earlier. Gain the better half of your day by arriving to work at 7am. So many festivals, children activities and shopping specials are waiting for you at 4pm!

A picture is worth a thousand words. Cubicles suck and I know it. Redecorate it with postcards and pictures of your favorite vacation spots. It will give you something fun to stare at when your brain is completely fried and the sun is calling you out the door.

Office only treats. Many companies release summer themed treats in May and June. Pick some up and leave them at the office. There is something fun about eating a new type of candy or sipping a new flavor drink when you arrive at the dreaded office the next day. At the very least you can get through the 3pm drag with a summer themed drink.

Take a vacation day! Some people need to be forced to take a day because they just won't. Take a day off and just sit in a park, or at the beach. You can even sit on your porch or patio. Do nothing for a whole day. Just take in the weather, the bugs and the summer vibe.

Not matter what you do, get away from your desk, and try to enjoy summer.


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