Personal Pride

Hubby and I have been working so hard for the past 12 months to better our lives and household. We have opened our eyes and ears to the financial opinions of many writers and analyst. We have accepted career guidance of upper managers in our industries. That wisdom has changed our lives.

We are so very proud of ourselves that we are actually patting ourselves on the back. Yes! We have looked back and noticed that we have grown from where we were just one year ago. We often don't accomplish what we wanted, but this past year we have. There are a few items left on the list that we have yet to succeed in, but we are still proud. We never thought that we would been promoted, found a great apartment, began saving for an adoption and even paid off debt.

I hope that you take the time to be proud of yourself. We had to learn how to do this. We were like many people and always kept our eyes on the prize that was ahead and never took a moment to be happy with what we accomplished already. Why would you short change your own happiness? We decided to actually stop comparing ourselves to others and be proud with that we have, done, seen and been.

Take my advice, be proud of yourself. Pay attention to what you have accomplished rather than what you haven't accomplished. Don't beat yourself up with the 'not yets' and the 'whoa is me' aspects of life. Someone around you is already doing that; trust me. Take a moment and smile and tell yourself :

"I am Proud"


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