What We Are Reading in February 2017

Welcome back! I can not believe that January flew by so fast. We are now entering February, the coldest month for our state. We often see our temperatures dive downward in the last weeks in January and stay below zero like there is a party down there for the next four weeks. However, we have been enjoying over 40 degrees for the past couple of weeks. It may not last, so the following books will at least keep us entertained. (Disclosure, below includes affiliate links.)

Maruki's Book-

Rich Dad Poor Dad

This popular book finally reached my night stand. I have read plenty of inserts from this book, so I am excited to read more. Kiyosaki does not agree with Dave Ramsey's theory on credit cards, but they agree on so many other points. I am excited to dive in.

I also plan on finishing Quitter. It was my goal to begin that after January's main book, but I barely cracked it open last week, That might remain my second go-to book that I read during lunch at work.

Hubby's Book-

I gave Hubby this book for Christmas. He has been looking for books to cultivate his interest in reading. I remember reading this book in high school and I knew it would peek his interest. I plan on rereading it after him.

So tell me below, what are you reading this month? What did you read during January?


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