What we are Reading- September
Welcome to the first month of fall. Fall is loved around our household as it's football season. It's another excuse to cuddle up with family and yell. Well, yell at the TV of course. This year autumn is extra special because we are growing by two feet.
To prepare for the journey of parenting, I have dove into a new book, Thirty Million Words, Building a Child's Brain by Dana Suskind, MD. This was recommended to me by a good friend. My friend is a project manager and has worked with excellent companies over the years. By her being ten years older than me, she has seen the decline in the self sufficient and eagerness of the new working generation. She believes that it began when they were younger and gradually worsened through their education. My friend has taken it upon herself to see that her daughter isnt subjected to the same fate as her co-workers. Without hesitation, she followed the steps of this book along with a classical education and began to work with her child.
So far I am enjoying this book. Only one chapter in, but it is giving me a glimpse to why reading, talking and listening to my future child is crucial to their development and their future. I plan to give a indepth review of this book when I am finished. As long as Baby isnt here first...
He is reading along side me this month. He told me that he was finishing up a book soon, but for the most part, we are diving into Thirty Million Words together.
If you recall, we have been decreasing animal products and increase plant based foods into our diet. It is a push to make sure that we are healthy for the coming 20 years. Children will make sure to keep us active and we will make sure to keep our bodies healthy. Together we are cooking meals from the book The China Study, All-star Collection by Leanne Campbell, PhD.

I have made two meals from this book and I have enjoyed them. Perhaps I should take pictures of the next few meals and add to the blog. This will help you see how fulfilling meatless meals can be.
It has been a great summer. I can not wait as we are less than 6 weeks from the birth of our little boy. He will be here before we know. I pray that your Autumn is joyful and beautiful.
Until Next time,
Lauren Maruki
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