Our 4 Year Count Down

This is it. We are now counting down the next four years!

In four years, our first and hopefully not only child will begin Kindergarten. The first year of formal education is such an important year. The choices we make will decide how our child will learn. That year will begin to mode our lives as we will officially live on around a "school calendar". We sort of do that now that Hubby works in a school, but schooled student's don't get vacation days like employees.

In four years, we will have to make a decision rather we will place our child in private school or homeschool them. This decision is so important and engulfs our moral decision making. This decision is also a financial decision. Today's actions will depict what will happen in four years.

Since private schools and homeschools aren't free, Hubby and I will need to pay OFF our last debt- student loans. As Baby E creeps towards one year of age, the ever growing pile of student loan debt is getting scarier. We have four years to get rid of this debt so that we can make the best decision for our children without the ever looming debt to influence it.

"But everyone has some debt." ~ My Father & Others

My father told me to not worry too much about the debt because everyone has debt. I don't want to live with that thought. Not everyone has debt! And not everyone can ignore the debt that they do have. I am one of them. Every month Sallie Mae gets a chunk of our monthly income. I hate seeing that money go, but I owe it. Ignoring it, or playing games with it doesn't get rid of it.

I'm just going to pay it off!

Working 40-50 hours a week was the norm for Hubby and I for the past 2 years before we became parents. Now that we are parents, how can we find the energy to work more than 40 hours? Well, in 4 years, we both will be 40 years old! The energy will look a heck a lot different then than now. So we have to find the energy now. We have to give Sallie Mae back what we borrowed.

It may take less than four years to pay down our debt. We are hoping it takes a lot less. However we will err on the side of caution.

In four years we want to be debt free. In four years we want to know what it's like to live without owing someone. In four years, we want our son to see us work a lot less!

Do you have a massive goal that you are working towards?


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