2016 Schedule

We will be more concrete this year. I'm putting more focused in putting things out there for people to learn. Can you believe that people obtain other's opinions at the same rate as facts? Yeah I was shocked to read that stat somewhere. So I'm letting my experiences shine through this year, but on a schedule.

Introducing our week:

Mondays I will be sharing our experiences with budgets and budget busters. I bring some expertise with me on this subject. I have a Master Degree in Financial Managements, I am a tax Accountant and I have been following the Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover for a year.

Wednesdays will be purely dedicated to Infertility. Hubby and I will be breaking down our experience that dates back to 2011 and keep everyone posted on what's to come. This section might get taken over by hubby...something is brewing and you will be the first to know.

Fridays will be a fun day. We have been gluten free in this household since 2013. That first year was a struggle, but we are official wheat-free.Well hubby is completely gluten-free. I'm not allergic, so I still eat gluten filled things here and there. We also will throw in our travel plans, Pinterest disasters and anything else that sparks our interest.

Another change to the blog is the crazy looking pixs I keep on here. I am not a graphic designer by no means and there are starting to look like a child did it. No, children probably can do much better than me. So marvel at the one above knowing that it's the late. I will be using real pictures from this point on.

From Maruki


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