Life is too Short to...

Life is too short to NOT to cheer and celebrate our loved one. 

Give your friends your love and support in the best manner possible. Let them know you support them and what they are going through. 

Social Media has been the main source of communication for over 10 years now. I fortunately was a part of Facebook back in 2004-5 when it was just college students. Yet, we still spoke to each other. We still met up and not played on our phones. We still encouraged each other.

Today, people use social media to cheer on friends and family members. Emojis and GIFs are used to encourage people. It's just plain impersonal, Folks! Let’s get away from the lazy way to express what we truly free. Speak to someone. Encouragement means so much more when they can hear you or see you.

Life is too short not to be someone’s cheerleader. I have friends battling life difficulties. I applaud their energy and strength with trips to grab coffee, homemade desserts and being with them at their events.

How you celebrating your loved ones? Life is too short to.....Can you complete it?


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