Evening Tot Learning- Schedule

If you are just joining me on how I share new skills with my tot, head back to part one.

I spoke of the schedule I used for working with the babies and toddlers overseas. This schedule is not dependent on time. It may take you 20 minutes to read a story, two minutes to point out the vocab words and half hour singing the lullaby because baby loves the song.

The point is the complete these activities throughout the day. If your little one isn't into singing on Day 2, skip it. In Japan, the focus was not to drill the information into the child. The goal was to continue to introduce new words, new experiences and constantly be surrounded by the spoke language.

Rather you are focusing on your native language or a foreign language, never stop reading. Never stop introducing new vocabulary. Never stop exploring the world around you. Babies and toddlers are soaking up everything. I am working hard to add new vocab and books to Baby E's life because I have seen the results. I taught students that were mighty successful in communicating in a foreign language. I want that for my child.

To give my self a little breathing room in the evenings, I plan on implementing the below schedule:

Day 1
Speech and Vocabulary
Puppets/Stuffed animals with a Nursery Rhyme

Day 2
Baby Games

Day 3
Speech and Vocabulary Review
Art/Food play

I will continue to implement major and minor motor skills. I have a list that I have collected over the years from friends and Pinterest. I plan on showing him something new to figure out each week or two. This includes indoor and outdoor activities that can be done at our home and at a park.

As always, I will continue to speak to Baby E in Japanese and meet with friends to ensure that we both increase and refine our fluency. Classical music and big band music is played all the time. Baby E loves the sound of horns and drums.

Puppets with a Nursery Rhyme:
We will be diving into the classics here. Overseas we introduced new songs with puppets. It captured their attention and allowed for us to add motion to songs.

Baby Games:
Let's get busy! Playing with my baby is the highlight of my evening. I really enjoy showing him something new and watch the wheels turn in his head. He does an excellent job figuring things out. This is the time of the week that will allow for me to introduce a new game to add to his list.

Oh we are a music family. This time slot will include singing songs, playing instruments and rocking to lullabies. Do you have a favorite list of children songs?

I am so excited for art as Hubby and I share the hobby of coloring. We will be showing Baby E how to use crayons (baby ones like this and this) using plain paper. Later in the year, we plan to shower him with coloring books, because thats what kids love right?

Save your Money

DOn't go shelling out cash to buy any learning tools for a toddler, yet. Use the internet, library or your friend's books first. See what your little one likes first. Babies love something one moment and dislike it the next. You don't want to lose money.

However, invest in the classics. In my opinion, every family should have a book of poems and/or nursery rhymes. This helps to fine tune intonation and listening skills, never mind the fun aspect.


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