Evening Tot Sharing- Book Ideas

Babies need books just as much as they need diapers!

Perhaps a baby can live without diapers, but they should not live without books. I am old fashioned and I believe in the power of reading. I like physically holding books in my hand. I love the feel of pages and the smell of hardcovers. I did not jump on the digital book craze, but slowly crept in. I am currently reading three books on my phone, only because they were free. It takes me twice as long to finish them.

I plan on keeping Baby E surrounded by hard copies of books. I want him to learn how to turn pages rather than swipe left. I'm judging those that love digital book...Yall, do your thing!

I am making a list of books that I want to introduce to Baby E this school year. I am doing this now because it allows for Hubby and I to reduce the amount of guessing. Life gets busy during the winter. Our weather forces us inside and I don't want to wake up next spring and have missed out of the opportunity to have introduced him to wonderful content. I also have the moment right now to evaluate his development and interests. I am trying to tailor things to him.

Book Ideas

Picture Books:
My book list is a mile long and it keeps growing as I receive more and more recommendations. The first picture book that I will begin with Baby E was a transportation related book. He loves trains and now trucks are peeking his interest. Picture books shows how their interests can be found in books too.
Each season I will also include a weather or season related book. Baby E is noticing that the weather changed as he lugs around his jacket outside. I want him to see what fun each season can be.

Story Books:
Every evening Hubby and I plan on reading a story book to Baby E. We plan on using seasonal stories with short chapters. We really want to implement the habit of listening to a story without many pictures and most importantly, learning to sit for a few minutes. I don't expect him to follow the story at all. I am just building habits of listening and reading.

Foreign Language Books:
I speak and read conversational Japanese. Everyday I have been adding new words to his vocab. I will continue to read Japanese children books to him. My friend and I will be swapping books so that our little guys can have a fresh stash.

Wordless Books:
I spoke about my love for wordless books before. I love these books because I the story changes each time. You can change the story to any book as long as your children won't correct you.

I hope you have a great time introducing your tot to their new world. Everything is brand new to them and they will enjoy the sharing that you will have in store.

From Maruki


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